
The Los Angeles Chapter is proud to be the founding chapter of NAPO.

NAPO-LA is the premiere resource for Los Angeles area productivity and organizing professionals, offering educational programs, networking opportunities, and a range of benefits that serve industry veterans as well as those new to the field.

If you are ready to become a member, click here to begin the application, or read on for more information. Please note, you must be a member of NAPO National before you can join NAPO-LA.  You will need your NAPO member ID in order to complete your NAPO-LA application.

How to Join

You will be taken to your profile on

  1.  If you're not already logged in, you will be asked to sign in.
     Scroll down to the NAPO Chapter(s) field
  2.  Check the box next to Los Angeles Chapter
  3.  Check the box next to "I Accept the Terms of Use" (after actually reading the Terms of Use, of course)
  4. You'll receive an invoice within 2 business days. Once the invoice is paid, you'll be added to the Virtual Chapter.

 If you have any questions, you can reach our Director of Membership at We look forward to welcoming you to the chapter.

Join Here!

Benefits of NAPO-LA Membership

The following benefits are specific to NAPO-LA. Please visit NAPO National's website for information on the benefits of National Membership.

  • Book Club: NAPO-LA's book club meets for an hour  4 times a year to discuss books of interest to professional organizers and productivity consultants. Join the Bookclub Email List to receive notices of upcoming book selections:

  • Business Partners (BPs):  Our Business Partners are LA area businesses that offer products and services related to organizing and productivity. They sometimes co-sponsor meetings and special events. 

  • Chapter Library:  Additional resources are available through our lending library for 30 days (or span between consecutive chapter meetings).

  • Community Visibility: Hear from expert speakers on a variety of organizing, productivity and business-related topics at NAPO-LA chapter meetings and special events. Speakers include both experienced members of NAPO-LA and non-members with expertise in relevant areas.

  • Exclusive Communication:  Receive members-only emails from the NAPO-LA Board of Directors and Neighborhood Group leaders about meetings and special events and other opportunities.

  • Expert Speakers: Gain exposure for your business through NAPO-LA’s various community activities and marketing channels. 

  • Leadership:  NAPO-LA volunteers have the opportunity to gain leadership skills and exposure and support the professional organizing and productivity industry.  Our annual Leadership Forum in January is specifically focused on volunteerism and leadership.

  • POINT Community:  Members use our chapter community of the National POINT platform to exchange resources, ask for advice, get help solving problems, and share opportunities to work together.

  • Members-Only Discounts:  Members receive special pricing on all NAPO-LA sponsored events.

  • Members-Only Section of the Website:  Access to chapter forms and documents, including the chapter’s annual budget, organizational chart, newsletter archives, and more.

  • Monthly Meetings:  We meet ten times a year on Monday evenings, typically the 4th Monday of the month except April (National Conference) and December (holidays). Chapter meetings provide great opportunities to build relationships with other professional members & our Business Partners, learn from educational speakers, and discover new products and resources.  Chapter meetings are included in Level 2 dues. Level 1 members pay $15 per meeting. Non-member visitors are limited to two meetings prior to joining.

  • NAPO-LA Chapter Logo:  Add professional credibility with the NAPO-LA logo on your website, marketing materials, and business cards.
  • National Conference Recordings:  Current and previous years of conference sessions are available to members on-demand.

  • Neighborhood Groups:  Informal meetings are held on the Westside, South Bay, Hollywood, Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena, and Ventura areas. Most NGs meet on a quarterly basis.

  • Online Referral Directory:  All members (with the exception of students and emeritus members) are included in the Member Directory on the NAPO-LA website.  This is a public-facing resource for those looking to hire an organizing or productivity professional, as well as a means of contacting your fellow members. Members with PROVISIONAL status at the NAPO National level are indicated with asterisks following their names.

  • Social Media Connectivity:  Follow NAPO-LA @napo_la on Instagram and @napolosangeles on Facebook and Twitter. Submit a ”Tuesday Tip” from the Members Only page of the website for a chance to be featured.

  • Special Events:  NAPO-LA hosts events throughout the year including Go Month activities and rewarding volunteer projects to give back to the community.

  • Volunteering:  When you volunteer in one of the many available areas, you work alongside other professional organizers to continue to make NAPO-LA a great chapter and/or help organize the Los Angeles community. Benefits include professional and personal growth, an opportunity to learn about organizing from veteran members, a supportive environment to expand your skills, networking opportunities, possible business opportunities, great friendships, and much more!

  • Workshops & Seminars: Please see POLA, above. In certain years, NAPO-LA offers organizing & productivity workshops for Get Organized month in January.

Dues - Membership


  • General Membership:
    • $155 per year + a one-time $25 processing fee
    • Chapter meeting fees included
    • Access to all member benefits
    • Available any time of year, pro-rated by month
  • Long-Distance membership:

  • $75 per year + a one time $25 processing fee
  • For anyone outside of Los Angeles who would like all the benefits of NAPO-LA membership, however can’t make in-person meetings due to geographical location.
  • Must live 75 miles or more away from our 90212 Zip Code.
  • Membership benefits include Chapter meetings virtually via zoom (no registration required), access to the meeting recordings for 30 days following the meetings, and listing in the Chapter online Membership Directory.
  • Available any time of year, pro-rated by month
  • Multi-Person Memberships: Each company joining the chapter under a multi-person membership must be registered with National as a multi-person company. Please contact for more information.

  • Student Membership: A full-time student joining the chapter under a student membership must be registered with NAPO National as a student.
    • $45 per year + a one time $25 processing fee
      • Chapter meeting fees additional ($15 per meeting)
    • This level does not include listing in the Member Directory. All other General Membership benefits are included.
    • Available any time of year, pro-rated by month.
    • Please contact
  • Emeritus Membership: This membership is reserved for retired Professional Members at least 55 years of age, no longer engaged in the organizing and/or productivity profession, who have been members of NAPO-LA  for at least 15 years.
    • $25 per year
    • Chapter meeting fees included
    • This level does not include listing in the public Directory. All other General Membership benefits are included.
    • Available only in October-November. Please contact to change membership status.
  • Visitors: You may attend up to two NAPO-LA chapter meetings as a visitor ($20 per meeting) prior to joining.
  • Application: Click here to join now. Once your application is received and your NAPO National membership verified, you will be sent links to our on-demand New Member Orientation (NMO) and NMO Evaluation form. Complete these two items to activate full NAPO-LA member benefits. Please note processing of new members can take up to two weeks.

  • Business Partners: Chapter Business Partners (BPs) are not required to join NAPO National. Please use the separate Business Partner Application to join NAPO-LA as a BP.

    © Copyright 2024 • National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals - Los Angeles • All rights reserved 

    < Click here > for the NAPO COVID In-Person Meeting Policy dated February 2023

    The National Association of Professional Organizers, Los Angeles Chapter, is a legal entity separate and distinct from NAPO, Inc. (the National Association of Professional Organizers) and is not entitled to act on behalf of or to bind NAPO, contractually or otherwise.

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